e-Cabinet, Djibouti

The problem

Traditionally, cabinets have relied on physical documents, memos, and meetings to discuss and decide on various issues related to governance, policy-making, and administration. An e-cabinet system streamlines these processes by digitizing the entire workflow. Djibouti wanted to implement a legally transparent, digitally supported, and e-Cabinet digital service.

Some key features of an e-cabinet system include:

  1. Document Management: All cabinet-related documents, such as proposals, reports, and meeting agendas, are created, stored, and shared through the platform. This ensures real-time access and version control, minimizing the risk of miscommunication, information loss or duplication.

  2. Collaboration and Communication: it enables seamless communication and collaboration among cabinet members, allowing them to share feedback, comments, and ideas on specific documents or proposals.

  3. Decision Tracking: It maintains a record of all decisions made during cabinet meetings, along with the reasons behind them. This historical data can be valuable for reference in the future and for maintaining organizational memory.

  4. Security and Access Control: it implements robust security measures to ensure that sensitive government information remains confidential and accessible only to authorized individuals.

GovStack approach

  • Perform a digital readiness assessment

  • Identify priority e-government services based on the country's context and needs.

  • Co-design the digital service based on user needs, journeys, and business life events

  • Identify a DPG/digital product that meets the business requirements of Djibouti to integrate it with the national tech stack of Djibouti through an open call

  • Train the Djibouti digital team on GovStack Building Block approach.


Oct 2022: Prioritisation of government service: Construction permit and eCabinet

Dec 2022 - Jan 2023: Workshops to understand user needs

Jan 2023: Map As-Is user journey, life/business events and current stack

Jan - Feb 2023: Co-design w/user a To-Be user journey, future stack & wireframes

Nov 2023: Select digital product and service provider to implement

Dec 2023 - Jun 2024: Prototype & iterate with the user

Launch the service (TBD)

Prepare a scaling strategy (TBD)

Expected Results

  • Digital readiness assessment

  • An operational e-Cabinet service integrated with the Djibouti national tech stack following the GovStack principles and approach.

  • Build and train the Djibouti Digital Team

  • Build a comprehensive capacity development and change management program

Last updated