
User Journey Mapping Template

Our Journey Mapping Template created based on the processes that are involved within our implementation playbook. It produces important base for our next steps such as service blueprint and wireframing.

With this template you can easily create your own as-is and to-be journey. As-Is journey will allow you to understand current state, pain points of the user, opportunities and legal background within the flow while to-be journey will allow you to ideate and plan the future state based on the different personas.

Please do not hesitate to change, remove or add new segment and perspectives depending on your use case and scope.

What is User Journey Mapping?

A journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal.

As-Is (Current) mappings are based on an actual “today” state of the service. This approach is ideal when the mapping goal is to identify and document existing problems, pain points and opportunities. Use current state maps to help analyze research or align a team around a data validated problem.

To-Be (Future) mappings are based on an “ideal” state for a user type, experience, or a to-be service structure. Future state maps help reinvent and conceive how a user or experience would feel in the future. Use future state maps to set a benchmark or goal for the ideal form of your product or service.

More Information from Nielsen Norman Group.

Why we recommend using As-Is / To-Be Journey?

Understanding who we are solving a problem for is important for creating user-centric digital services. 'As-Is' user journey can help identify touchpoints, inefficiencies, pain points, opportunities for improvement and can inform the design of a 'To-Be' user journey that represents the desired state of the user experience after changes have been made.

'To-Be' user journey is created in the context of a redesign or improvement of service. Its aim is to create a better user experience by identifying and implementing changes that will improve the user's journey and ultimately lead to greater satisfaction for its users.

Remember to-be journey produced within the workshop will be the main base for service blueprints and user flows.

Service Blueprint Template

Our Service Blueprint Template created based on “to be” user journeys that have been developed in relation to implementation playbook.

With this template you can easily create your own Service Blueprint for any use case. Simply place any elements on related section in relation to your to-be journey and your use case analysis.

Also please do not hesitate to change, remove or add new segment and perspectives depending on your use case and scope.

For example you can create touch points section to map down different points of contact or interaction within the flow or emotions section to emphasize with the users regarding the process.

What Is Service Blueprint?

A service blueprint is a diagram that visualizes the relationships between different service components — people, props (physical or digital evidence), and processes — that are directly tied to touchpoints in a specific customer journey.

More Information from Nielsen Norman Group.

Why we recommend using Service Blueprints

Blueprinting is most useful when coordinating complex services because it bridges cross-team efforts. Cross-team effort to make everyone familiar with use case early on and enable preparation work

Service blueprints are companions to user journeys. They help organizations see the big picture of how a service is implemented and used. They pinpoint dependencies between user journeys of the service providers/government entities and users in the same visualization. They are instrumental in identifying and optimizing complex interactions, ultimately saving money for the organization and improving the experience for its users.

Our service blueprints are created using user journeys developed in the previous step of the implementation playbook. They comprise a series of diagrams that visualize the relationship between:

  • Processes

  • Different service users and entities involved in providing the service

  • Actions and goals of entities and users

  • GovStack Design Patterns

  • Required documents, Data input and output