<Use Case Template>

Product Use Case Summary

<Abbev-Sector - Index>


<Use Case Name>


<SDG Sector>


<Document Version>


<Draft, Proposed, Approved, Published>

Prose description of the overall use case. This can, and likely should comprise multiple paragraphs and can be used and a high-level perspective on the individual use case steps.


  • A list of the stakeholders that have some engagement with this use case, including how they are involved

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • The specific SDG targets this use case contributes towards

  • The format for this section is: <Url to SDG Target with text of specific target ID>: Text of the SDG Target

    • 11.6: Reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.

Building Blocks

  • List of the GovStack Building Blocks involved in this use case, including link to Building Block specification

Source Documents

  • List of links to documents used to create the use case


<# - Step Name>

Prose description of the use case step


  • List of the workflows involved in this step, include a description of how the workflow involved

  • Format: Workflow Name text description

    • Identification and Registration for locating and tracking users registered in the system.

Example Implementation

<Link to example implementation>

Building Blocks

List of Building Blocks involved in this use case step, including link to building block specification


  • <List of contributors, optionally including organization and email address>

Last updated