<Use Case Template>
Product Use Case Summary
<Use Case Name>
<SDG Sector>
<Document Version>
<Draft, Proposed, Approved, Published>
Prose description of the overall use case. This can, and likely should comprise multiple paragraphs and can be used and a high-level perspective on the individual use case steps.
A list of the stakeholders that have some engagement with this use case, including how they are involved
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The specific SDG targets this use case contributes towards
The format for this section is: <Url to SDG Target with text of specific target ID>: Text of the SDG Target
11.6: Reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.
Building Blocks
List of the GovStack Building Blocks involved in this use case, including link to Building Block specification
Source Documents
List of links to documents used to create the use case
<# - Step Name>
Prose description of the use case step
List of the workflows involved in this step, include a description of how the workflow involved
Format: Workflow Name text description
Identification and Registration for locating and tracking users registered in the system.
Example Implementation
<Link to example implementation>
Building Blocks
List of Building Blocks involved in this use case step, including link to building block specification
<List of contributors, optionally including organization and email address>
Last updated