Publication date: December 6th, 2023
Overall Highlights
The GovStack initiative is proud to announce the release of the 23Q4 publication! Since the 1.0 publication in May 2023, the community has worked hard to add a substantial amount of new content, including 3 Building Blocks, 10 Reference Use Cases, UI/UX Guidelines, and a pre-release of the GovStack Sandbox documentation. These new additions allow us to continue progressing towards our goal of providing a common set of reference use cases, technical building blocks, and associated tools to accelerate and improve digital system design and implementation.
This publication was made possible by dozens of people, many of whom are volunteers, who were willing to share their expertise and time towards helping to build GovStack. The proficiency and diversity of this group of contributors strengthens the value of this work and we are extremely thankful for their involvement.
New Releases
The E-Marketplace Building Block enables the trade of products and/or services via electronic media where at least one of the transacting parties taking part in the transaction is the government (either as the consumer or the provider) and the other party or parties can be either pre-qualified providers or consumers of such goods and services (respectively).
The E-Signature Building Block provides the necessary functionalities to bring handwritten signatures to the digital world, improving the user experience of managing the signing process and reducing the need to print out forms, sign on paper, scan, and upload documents.
Geographic Information System Building Block
The Geographic Information Services (GIS) Building Block enables various applications with location-based capabilities. By integrating a wide range of spatial data, such as maps, imagery, and location-based services, users can access and process geospatial data from different sources and link geographic locations to various "objects" within an open information technology environment
The UI/UX guidelines provide guidance to kick-start the design and development of services that use and combine GovStack applications and Building Blocks, as well as other components while maintaining a seamless and consistent user experience.
Market Linkage: Services which link buyers to sellers in the agriculture sector
Rural Advisory Service for Farmers: Equipping farmers with the information, knowledge, and skills needed to improve their farms and get better yields
Disaster Management: Implementation process of a disaster management system
Remote Learning: Delivering engaging and effective educational content to students, facilitating seamless communication between educators and learners, enabling interactive assessments, and supporting continuous learning in a virtual environment
Business Taxation: Digital transformation of tax administration (e-taxation) in the business sector
Inclusive Financial Services for SMEs: Supporting access to financing for small-medium enterprises (SMEs) through streamlined loan programs targeting SMEs
Telemedicine: Extending the reach of traditional health systems to help meet ambitious national health targets
Smart Vaccination: Empowering immunization efforts by enhancing distribution efficiency, optimizing resource utilization, promoting equitable access to vaccines, and ensuring the integrity of the vaccine supply chain
Pandemic Response: Digitalizing pandemic response operations and management systems to ensure effective management during a pandemic
Anticipatory Cash Transfers: Leveraging digital tools to streamline Anticipatory Cash Transfers in climate disaster scenarios
Added information on designing adaptors and integrating with the GovStack testing harness (non-functional requirements section 6)
Minor updates to BB design principles (section 4)
Added new section on UX switching and handover to non-functional requirements (section 8 )
Updated GovStack architecture (section 3) of non-functional requirements. Added an overall GovStack architecture diagram and description
Updates to security specification - removed section on security building block modules and replaced with new ‘Authorization Services’ and ‘Additional Security Modules’ (sections 7 & 8 )
Added new standards section (section 6)
Added UI/UX guidance (was originally a Wave 3 Building Block, now integrated in the cross-functional architecture documents)
Improvements to API testing
Changes to Service APIs to improve clarity and consistency
Updates to Terminology to improve clarity
Improvements to API testing
Updates to naming of APIs to be consistent with GovStack standards
Updates to Cross-Cutting Requirements for consistency with Architectural guidelines
Modified the example steps in multi-step enrollment requirements
Added requirement for porting identity data from existing database during enrollment
Added data structures for the enrollment API
Added enrollment API definition from enrollment.yaml file
Added enrollment workflow for fresh enrollment and enrollment reusing existing database
Added workflow for presence only verification
Updates to naming of APIs to be consistent with GovStack standards
Errors fixed in the Subscribe workflow
Event acknowledgment added in event delivery workflow
Improvements to API testing
Updates to naming of APIs to be consistent with GovStack standards
Updates in all headings for better readability and structure
Updates to diagrams and tables, including a new workflow diagram
Updates to naming of APIs to be consistent with GovStack standards
Updates to the APIs for the Account Mapper, Bulk Disbursements, and Vouchers
Additional APIs to support the P2G feature
Additional terms added to the Terminology section
Enhancements to the P2G Functional Requirement
Addition of the “Billers Table” in the Data Structures section
Updates to the P2G workflows in the Internal Workflows section
Improvements to API testing
Updates to naming of APIs to be consistent with GovStack standards
Updates to Cross-Cutting Requirements for consistency with Architectural guidelines
Updates to the Key Digital Functionality and Functional Requirements sections to improve clarity
Updates to the API to support deletion of multiple appointments
Improvements to the Functional Requirements section related to booking multiple events/appointments
Improvements to API testing
Updates to naming of APIs to be consistent with GovStack standards
Last updated
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