3 Terminology

Terminology used within this specification.



Event conveys pre-scheduled date-time slots allocated for a specific activity such as consultation, maintenance, monitoring, therapy, etc. The Scheduler considers an event as the smallest schedulable slot of time (e.g. doctor consultation with a patient, or automated payroll calculation).


Person/device/software that is participating as an audience/consumer of activities and alerts in a specific event (i.e. students, patients, software apps, devices, etc.).


Person/device/software/facility/vehicle/etc. that is allocated to carry out some specific activities in a specific event.


The enrolment of a Resource or Subscriber into a specific event.

Event Status

State of an event (proposed/published/booked/started/completed/no-show/failed/cancelled).

Event type

The main activity to be done during a specific event (e.g. diagnostics, consultation, Vaccination, interview, therapy, training, meeting).

Host Entity

Organization that provides resources for an Event (Identity of a Hospital, school, Company, Hotel, etc.).


A person user authorized by Host to manage event schedules, and allocate resources and subscriptions for one or more events using this Building Block (i.e. health worker, admin, kin of patient, etc.).


Address of the physical location where the event is hosted. If the event is purely online, the location will be “Virtual”.

Alert Message

Specific information (reminders/acknowledgements/status/etc.) sent to subscribers and resources in the context of an event they are associated with.

Alert Targets

Resource and Subscribers to send trigger messages.

Alert Mode

Messaging method to be used for each specified target (SMS/email/URI).

Alert schedule

Date/time and associated details of which specific alert message must be sent to whom for an event.

Alert Status

The state of a scheduled Alert (pending/sent/acknowledged/ delivered/failed) which may be recorded in internal log.

Resource Category

(doctor, nurse, equipment, ambulance, etc.) needed in a given Event.

Resource Name

Individual name (a person’s name, a Doctor, Speaker, Teacher, Ambulance, Conference room, maintenance toolkit, etc.).


The entity that a subscriber or resource represents in an Event.

Log report

Information filtered from (system/administrative/transactional/status/etc.) related log maintained in the schedule.

Information Mediator

Another Govstack Building Block for secure access to services of various Building Blocks.


Rooms to publish or subscribe for messages associated with the scheduler through an Information Mediator Building Block.

Messaging building Block

Another GovStack Building Block needed for transmitting alert messages through SMS/Email

Last updated

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