Design cross-channel

Follow established standards and guidelines for multi-modal design, ensuring consistency and usability across different interaction modes.

Consider user expectations and preferences for different interaction modes, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all users.

Account for potential limitations and constraints of different platforms, systems, and devices, while maintaining interoperability and multi-modality.

Make sure your technology, infrastructure and systems are accessible and inclusive for all users.

  1. Identify the various channels through which users will interact with your service (for example, web, mobile, SMS, call centre, physical location, etc.).

  2. Consider the strengths and limitations of each channel. For instance, certain tasks might be more easily accomplished on a desktop than on a mobile device, or vice versa.

  3. Design your service so that users can easily switch between channels as needed. This might involve making certain data or functionality available across multiple channels, or designing the service so that progress made on one channel can be saved and continued on another.

  4. Consistency is crucial across all platforms. Keep a consistent design language (colours, fonts, layouts) and user experience (navigation, interaction patterns) across all channels.

  5. Consider the use of responsive or adaptive design to ensure your service is usable on a variety of screen sizes and device types.

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