3 Terminology
Terminology used within this specification.
Term | Description |
eSignature, e-Signature, electronic signature, digital signature | A data unit which is used by a Signatory to indicate his or her link to a Document |
Certificate | Data that links a public key to a natural person and confirms the name of that person |
Signatory/User | A natural person or an application delegated by the user who can create a digital signature |
eSignature creation device (SCD) | Configured software and/or hardware used to create an eSignature. Two types of eSignature creation devices are supported: * Local - Private keys are stored locally on mobile devices. * Remote - Private keys are stored on the remote secure storage. |
Signing application, Signature requestor, Third-Party | An application that has the Document that needs the Signatory's signature |
Document (to be signed) | Data that needs to be signed by the Signatory. It can be any data file in an arbitrary format. Document to be signed is usually handled by a third party and made available to Signatory after signing. |
Onboarding | The process of identifying Signatory, issuing a Certificate, and binding it to an eSignature Creation Device. User identification is performed using Govstack's Identity Building Block. |
HSM | Hardware Security Module - a device or software that can store private keys safely. |
SCD | Signature Creation Device - Can be local or remote based on where the keys are stored. |
X509 | A certificate format as defined in V3 |
Timestamp | Compliant to RFC3161 |
Sign | The process of using SCD or One Time signature APIs to encrypt the hash of the document. |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request as per RFC 2986 |
One time Signature | A private key is created upon authentication of the user and expires right after the signature. Should not be confused with OTS or related signature models. |
Revocation | All revocation of certificates will be available over OCSP. Follows the respective standards RFC 8954. |
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