8.4 Order Terms Management
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Generate payment terms for an order
Human-readable ID of the order. This is generated at the Provider Platform layer. The Provider Platform can either generate order id within its system or forward the order ID created at the provider level.
The date-time of creation of this order
The date-time of updated of this order
Status of the order. Allowed values can be defined by the network policy
This is used to indicate the type of order being created to Provider Platforms. Sometimes orders can be linked to previous orders, like a replacement order in a retail domain. A follow-up consultation in healthcare domain. A single order part of a subscription order. The list of order types can be standardized at the network level.
ID of a previous order
Describes a product or a service offered to the end consumer by the provider. In the mobility sector, it can represent a fare product like one way journey. In the logistics sector, it can represent the delivery service offering. In the retail domain it can represent a product like a grocery item.
Describes an additional item offered as a value-addition to a product or service. This does not exist independently in a catalog and is always associated with an item.
An offer associated with a catalog. This is typically used to promote a particular product and enable more purchases.
Describes how a an order will be rendered/fulfilled to the end-customer
Describes the cancellation terms of an item or an order. This can be referenced at an item or order level. Item-level cancellation terms can override the terms at the order level.
Refund term of an item or an order
The replacement policy of an item or an order
Describes the return policy of an item or an order
Describes the terms of settlement between the Consumer Interface and the Provider Platform for a single transaction. When instantiated, this object contains <ol><li>the amount that has to be settled,</li><li>The payment destination destination details</li><li>When the settlement should happen, and</li><li>A transaction reference ID</li></ol>. During a transaction, the Provider Platform reserves the right to decide the terms of payment. However, the Consumer Interface can send its terms to the Provider Platform first. If the Provider Platform does not agree to those terms, it must overwrite the terms and return them to the Consumer Interface. If overridden, the Consumer Interface must either agree to the terms sent by the Provider Platform in order to preserve the provider's autonomy, or abort the transaction. In case of such disagreements, the Consumer Interface and the Provider Platform can perform offline negotiations on the payment terms. Once an agreement is reached, the Consumer Interface and Provider Platform can resume transactions.
A collection of tag objects with group level attributes. For detailed documentation on the Tags and Tag Groups schema go to https://github.com/beckn/protocol-specifications/discussions/316
Details of the provider whose catalog items have been selected.
Describes the catalog of a business.
The billing details of this order
Describes the billing details of an entity.<br>This has properties like name,organization,address,email,phone,time,tax_number, created_at,updated_at
The cancellation details of this order
Describes a cancellation event
The mutually agreed upon quotation for this order.
Describes a quote. It is the estimated price of products or services from the Provider Platform.<br>This has properties like price, breakup, ttl
Additional input required from the customer to confirm this order
Contains any additional or extended inputs required to confirm an order. This is typically a Form Input. Sometimes, selection of catalog elements is not enough for the Provider Platform to confirm an order. For example, to confirm a flight ticket, the airline requires details of the passengers along with information on baggage, identity, in addition to the class of ticket. Similarly, a logistics company may require details on the nature of shipment in order to confirm the shipping. A recruiting firm may require additional details on the applicant in order to confirm a job application. For all such purposes, the can choose to send this object attached to any object in the catalog that is required to be sent while placing the order. This object can typically be sent at an item level or at the order level. The item level XInput will override the Order level XInput as it indicates a special requirement of information for that particular item. Hence the Consumer Interface must render a separate form for the Item and another form at the Order level before confirmation.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url 'https://virtserver.swaggerhub.com/beckn/e-marketplace-bb/0.2/terms/payment' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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Successful fetch of payment terms
Generate fulfillment terms for an order
Human-readable ID of the order. This is generated at the Provider Platform layer. The Provider Platform can either generate order id within its system or forward the order ID created at the provider level.
The date-time of creation of this order
The date-time of updated of this order
Status of the order. Allowed values can be defined by the network policy
This is used to indicate the type of order being created to Provider Platforms. Sometimes orders can be linked to previous orders, like a replacement order in a retail domain. A follow-up consultation in healthcare domain. A single order part of a subscription order. The list of order types can be standardized at the network level.
ID of a previous order
Describes a product or a service offered to the end consumer by the provider. In the mobility sector, it can represent a fare product like one way journey. In the logistics sector, it can represent the delivery service offering. In the retail domain it can represent a product like a grocery item.
Describes an additional item offered as a value-addition to a product or service. This does not exist independently in a catalog and is always associated with an item.
An offer associated with a catalog. This is typically used to promote a particular product and enable more purchases.
Describes how a an order will be rendered/fulfilled to the end-customer
Describes the cancellation terms of an item or an order. This can be referenced at an item or order level. Item-level cancellation terms can override the terms at the order level.
Refund term of an item or an order
The replacement policy of an item or an order
Describes the return policy of an item or an order
Describes the terms of settlement between the Consumer Interface and the Provider Platform for a single transaction. When instantiated, this object contains <ol><li>the amount that has to be settled,</li><li>The payment destination destination details</li><li>When the settlement should happen, and</li><li>A transaction reference ID</li></ol>. During a transaction, the Provider Platform reserves the right to decide the terms of payment. However, the Consumer Interface can send its terms to the Provider Platform first. If the Provider Platform does not agree to those terms, it must overwrite the terms and return them to the Consumer Interface. If overridden, the Consumer Interface must either agree to the terms sent by the Provider Platform in order to preserve the provider's autonomy, or abort the transaction. In case of such disagreements, the Consumer Interface and the Provider Platform can perform offline negotiations on the payment terms. Once an agreement is reached, the Consumer Interface and Provider Platform can resume transactions.
A collection of tag objects with group level attributes. For detailed documentation on the Tags and Tag Groups schema go to https://github.com/beckn/protocol-specifications/discussions/316
Details of the provider whose catalog items have been selected.
Describes the catalog of a business.
The billing details of this order
Describes the billing details of an entity.<br>This has properties like name,organization,address,email,phone,time,tax_number, created_at,updated_at
The cancellation details of this order
Describes a cancellation event
The mutually agreed upon quotation for this order.
Describes a quote. It is the estimated price of products or services from the Provider Platform.<br>This has properties like price, breakup, ttl
Additional input required from the customer to confirm this order
Contains any additional or extended inputs required to confirm an order. This is typically a Form Input. Sometimes, selection of catalog elements is not enough for the Provider Platform to confirm an order. For example, to confirm a flight ticket, the airline requires details of the passengers along with information on baggage, identity, in addition to the class of ticket. Similarly, a logistics company may require details on the nature of shipment in order to confirm the shipping. A recruiting firm may require additional details on the applicant in order to confirm a job application. For all such purposes, the can choose to send this object attached to any object in the catalog that is required to be sent while placing the order. This object can typically be sent at an item level or at the order level. The item level XInput will override the Order level XInput as it indicates a special requirement of information for that particular item. Hence the Consumer Interface must render a separate form for the Item and another form at the Order level before confirmation.
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Successful fetch of fulfillment terms
Generate cancellation terms for an order
Human-readable ID of the order. This is generated at the Provider Platform layer. The Provider Platform can either generate order id within its system or forward the order ID created at the provider level.
The date-time of creation of this order
The date-time of updated of this order
Status of the order. Allowed values can be defined by the network policy
This is used to indicate the type of order being created to Provider Platforms. Sometimes orders can be linked to previous orders, like a replacement order in a retail domain. A follow-up consultation in healthcare domain. A single order part of a subscription order. The list of order types can be standardized at the network level.
ID of a previous order
Describes a product or a service offered to the end consumer by the provider. In the mobility sector, it can represent a fare product like one way journey. In the logistics sector, it can represent the delivery service offering. In the retail domain it can represent a product like a grocery item.
Describes an additional item offered as a value-addition to a product or service. This does not exist independently in a catalog and is always associated with an item.
An offer associated with a catalog. This is typically used to promote a particular product and enable more purchases.
Describes how a an order will be rendered/fulfilled to the end-customer
Describes the cancellation terms of an item or an order. This can be referenced at an item or order level. Item-level cancellation terms can override the terms at the order level.
Refund term of an item or an order
The replacement policy of an item or an order
Describes the return policy of an item or an order
Describes the terms of settlement between the Consumer Interface and the Provider Platform for a single transaction. When instantiated, this object contains <ol><li>the amount that has to be settled,</li><li>The payment destination destination details</li><li>When the settlement should happen, and</li><li>A transaction reference ID</li></ol>. During a transaction, the Provider Platform reserves the right to decide the terms of payment. However, the Consumer Interface can send its terms to the Provider Platform first. If the Provider Platform does not agree to those terms, it must overwrite the terms and return them to the Consumer Interface. If overridden, the Consumer Interface must either agree to the terms sent by the Provider Platform in order to preserve the provider's autonomy, or abort the transaction. In case of such disagreements, the Consumer Interface and the Provider Platform can perform offline negotiations on the payment terms. Once an agreement is reached, the Consumer Interface and Provider Platform can resume transactions.
A collection of tag objects with group level attributes. For detailed documentation on the Tags and Tag Groups schema go to https://github.com/beckn/protocol-specifications/discussions/316
Details of the provider whose catalog items have been selected.
Describes the catalog of a business.
The billing details of this order
Describes the billing details of an entity.<br>This has properties like name,organization,address,email,phone,time,tax_number, created_at,updated_at
The cancellation details of this order
Describes a cancellation event
The mutually agreed upon quotation for this order.
Describes a quote. It is the estimated price of products or services from the Provider Platform.<br>This has properties like price, breakup, ttl
Additional input required from the customer to confirm this order
Contains any additional or extended inputs required to confirm an order. This is typically a Form Input. Sometimes, selection of catalog elements is not enough for the Provider Platform to confirm an order. For example, to confirm a flight ticket, the airline requires details of the passengers along with information on baggage, identity, in addition to the class of ticket. Similarly, a logistics company may require details on the nature of shipment in order to confirm the shipping. A recruiting firm may require additional details on the applicant in order to confirm a job application. For all such purposes, the can choose to send this object attached to any object in the catalog that is required to be sent while placing the order. This object can typically be sent at an item level or at the order level. The item level XInput will override the Order level XInput as it indicates a special requirement of information for that particular item. Hence the Consumer Interface must render a separate form for the Item and another form at the Order level before confirmation.
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--request POST \
--url 'https://virtserver.swaggerhub.com/beckn/e-marketplace-bb/0.2/terms/cancellation' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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