4 Key Digital Functionalities

Key Digital Functionalities describe the core (required) functions that this Building Block must be able to perform.

The Digital Registries Building Block is an application meant to offer fast and intuitive database management functionalities to entities without the need for database experts. The Digital Registries Building Block is simple to use like online Excel with advanced data management and connectivity options for advanced users. Digital Registries Building Block is a multi-tenant platform where users can create and manage new registry databases. Each registry database created in the system will have automatically REST services generated.

The Digital Registries Building Block no-code development platform uses graphical wizards to create and build software, unlike the traditional approach which uses computer programming languages. It is simple to use, similar to online Excel with advanced data management, log, and connectivity options for advanced users. Each register created in the system has a simple User Interface to see and edit data and an API connector with automatically created Open API services for machine-to-machine communication. The Digital Registry System does not contain data capturing and workflow functionality, however, if a user interface and data processing is needed then Digital Registries can be combined with other GovStack building blocks (e.g. the Registration Building Block) as a plug-and-play.

4.1 Administrative/Analyst Functions

The first user of the Building Block is an Administrator/Analyst who is building a new registry. The Analyst is the person who is building the new registry database, changing the existing database configuration, or simply administering the API user authorization. The Administrator/analyst is using a web user interface.

The key functions of the Building Block for Analysts are:

  1. Create a new register/database (via API or Web user interface);

  2. Create and configure the schema of the register (API or Web user interface);

  3. Change schema configuration and publish the new version of the database and API services (API or Web user interface);

  4. Enter data to the register (API or Web user interface);

  5. View data records in the register (API or Web user interface);

  6. Update data in the register (API or Web user interface);

  7. Import/export data from/to external files;

  8. Import/export registry database schema;

  9. Create API services;

  10. View statistics (API or Web user interface);

  11. Inspect transaction log of registry data operations (API or Web user interface);

  12. Manage access to registry data. Authorize users to see and edit registry records or data fields (Attribute-Based Access Control management);

  13. Share data with other users via e-mail, or via a unique and secure Uniform Resource Locator (URL) sharing can be field level or record level.

4.2 Applicant Functions

The second main user is an Applicant who is consuming registry data via other Building Block (e.g. Registration Building Block) screen flow or via Information Mediator Building Block API services.

The key functions of the Building Block for Applicants are:

  1. Search data from the register;

  2. Read data from the register;

  3. Create data in the register;

  4. Update data in the register;

  5. Delete data in the register;

  6. Validate if given content exists in specified register;

  7. Read statistics.

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