8. Annex 3 – Main state registries

Base registers should be established in a country to ensure feasibility of holistic approach toward secure and reliable digital government services:

  • Population Registry or alternative reliable data source to enable Digital Identification. Contains key demographic and residency details of all citizens in the country.

  • Business Registry to enable legally binding authorisation of users in context of legal entities for making legal transactions. Central database of all registered companies and legal entities operating in the country.

  • Cadastre/Land register or similar alternative for assurance of property rights. Authoritative information on land parcels, property boundaries and ownership

  • Official Publications – register and a system to publish laws and regulations for public access and awareness.

  • Securities Register - Beneficial ownership information behind corporate entities to enable transparency.

  • Registry of economic activities, licenses and permissions contains data on all requirements in any area of business activities, regulated in a country and reference to appropriate procedures and entities, who are in charge for regulations.

  • Vehicle Register - Records details of all vehicles registered in the country.

  • Health Registers - Databases of healthcare providers, facilities, treatments, diseases etc.

  • Social Insurance Register - Citizen records related to pensions, unemployment benefits, healthcare coverage etc.

  • Education Register - Details of educational institutions, students, qualifications awarded.

  • Criminal Register - Records of crimes, convictions by courts and related law enforcement actions.

  • Procurement Register - Data on government contracts, bids and awards.

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