Developed by Aleksander Reitsakas (Aktors, Estonia), Taylor Downs (OpenFn), Dr. P. S. Ramkumar (ITU), and Tõnis Pihlakas (AWS)
Key Digital Functionalities describe the core (required) functions that this Building Block must be able to perform.
The Information Mediator Building Block should provide the following functionalities, organized across 6 different components or layers
Service access is the facility through which different GovStack Building Blocks and applications may communicate securely with each other.
The service access layer should provide an administrative interface that can be used to define users and roles and what access each should have. This layer should also include a registration interface which allows new members to onboard to the Information Mediator.
The Service Access layer will also provide functionality to allow or restrict secure access to various resources, route requests to the correct providers, connect service requestors to providers, and enforce access privileges and security policies
The Directory service allows applications to discover resources or functionalities that are made available by the system. An application may query the Directory service to discover organizations, services, and APIs that are available to them
The Pub/Sub service is a facility through which applications may publish and subscribe to different events identified by unique message types, enabling more efficient and resilient communication and application design. It should provide broadcast/multicast capabilities to facilitate faster, more resilient application design.
The Information Mediator will manage a message log which will provide comprehensive audit trails for all services requests and access.
The Monitoring services will provide both operational and environmental reporting and dashboards, allowing users to discover the volume of requests to particular services or organizations as well as environmental reports on hardware/network usage.
The Information Mediator should support scaling services such as load balancers and allow for the addition of additional servers to manage increased system use.
Note that the Information Mediator is not responsible for manipulating the payloads sent to and from various applications—in a sense, it is both the postal service and the roads/bridges/train tracks—but it does not read the contents of your mail.
The Information Mediator Building Blocking does not handle communication between human users and applications.
The Information Mediator Building Blocking does not handle ingress and egress access from external applications to and from GovStack’s internal components (This may be handled by a public API Gateway in the domain of the Security Building Block).
The current specification does not assume the possibility of different Information Mediator implementations working together. In one instance of the GovStack ecosystem, only one implementation of the Information Mediator Building Block can exist.
The following requirements have been identified as “out of scope” because they fall into the realm of the Workflow Building Block or the Security Building Block.
Supports the handling of transactions and associated communication errors and exceptions.
Translates data from one format to another, and interoperates with handshake protocols to enable interoperability between different ICT (Information and communication technology) Building Blocks duplications.
Map data structures and fields from the identification system to the registration system and vice versa.
Hold authentication and credentials for each system.
Allow the definition of steps for a particular transaction.
Provide an API for both systems to access – and execute all necessary steps for that transaction (including error handling, retries, and notifications).
Provide an API for external systems to access GovStack Building Blocks.
In future iterations of this specification, we may take into consideration more broad API-management standards which include multiple domains, such as those proposed by the United Kingdom's Government in their Defining an API management strategy and the section on Gov.UK’s API Management Strategy Document.
Terminology used within this specification.
Building Block
Software modules that can be deployed and combined in a standardized manner. Each Building Block is capable of working independently, but they can be combined to do much more. Building Blocks are composable, interoperable software modules that can be used across a variety of use cases. They are standards-based, preferably open-source, and designed for scale. Each Building Block exposes a set of services in the form of REST APIs that can be consumed by other Building Blocks or applications.
Ingress access is access from external applications to GovStack Building Blocks and applications.
Egress access is access from within GovStack Building Blocks and applications to external applications.
Use Case
A use case is a piece of functionality described as a sequence of actions (steps) to achieve a specific goal in a specific context of usage. E.g., in one use case, the Information Mediator Building Block may be used to let a Building Block access a service provided by another, or in a different use case may be used to relay an event notification from one Building Block to several other Building Blocks via a Publisher-Subscriber (Pub/Sub) model.
Each use case may involve a collection of modules or Building Blocks. A relatively small set of these Building Blocks can be readily applied to a wide variety of use cases in low-resource settings.
An application programming interface () is a connection between computers or between computer programs. It is a type of software interface, that offers a service to other pieces of software. A document or standard that describes how to build such a connection or interface is called an API specification. A computer system that meets this standard is said to implement or expose an API. The term API may refer either to the specification or to the implementation.
A member is an organization that is authorized to communicate via the Information Mediator for a particular GovStack implementation.
An application is a running instance containing one or more Building Block instances and zero or more use case implementations. An application uses an Information Mediator Building Block to communicate with other Building Blocks or applications. An application typically has a single responsibility.
A service is a minimal piece of functionality provided by a Building Block or use case implementation. A service can be local (inside one application) or remote (between different applications). Remote services are consumed using REST protocol and they are described by OpenAPI specification. For example, the “registration” service might be accessed at a particular URL and allow a requester to “register a patient” by sending a POST request with proper patient data.
Security Server
A security server is the main piece of software that is responsible for implementing the “service access” layer of the Information Mediator. This software acts as a gateway and is responsible for mediating requests between various members, applications, and services. It might be not just a single piece, but also a clustered or serverless deployment.
A Publisher produces events and sends them to rooms. Each event has an event type associated with it. Publishers can produce events of different types.
A Room is a Pub/Sub entity that handles the distribution of events. Each Room has a set of connected event types (E.g., the “birth” Room might contain three event types: “new_birth”, “birth_complication”, and “infant_death”).
A Subscriber can process events of a certain event type. Subscribers are independent of each other and their business logic is different (as rule). Each subscriber processes events from their own perspective.
This section will highlight important requirements or describe any additional cross-cutting requirements that apply to this Building Block.
The cross-cutting requirements described in this section are an extension of the cross-cutting requirements defined in the Architecture Blueprint document and the Security Requirements. This section will describe any additional cross-cutting requirements for this Building Block or differences with the Architecture Blueprint.
Application APIs will contain POST endpoints which are not idempotent. GET/PUT/DELETE APIs are idempotent relative to Information Mediator Building Block, but the idempotents of intermediated services depend on the service provider and cannot be specified at this level.
Databases should not include business logic. We propose that this is a design recommendation which intends to make business logic all live in a clearly visible and accessible location. This may not always be followed, as the benefits of stored procedures (e.g., in reducing database transaction round-trips, etc.) may sometimes outweigh this general design recommendation.
The Service Access Layer of the Information Mediator is synchronous first. The Pub/Sub Layer is asynchronous.
Standard formats are used for communication with other Building Blocks. Inside Building Block non-standard protocols can be used.
OpenAPI spec 3.0 is supported in the first version. Moving to OpenAPI 3.1 is planned for the future.
The Performance Requirements specify the basic parameters that an implementing government might use to establish performance requirements for scalability, throughput, and response times when reasonable/necessary. For example:
Minimum Throughput = 100 requests/sec.
Maximum Latency = 1 sec.
Concurrency = 1000 concurrent requests.
All solutions MUST be able to monitor and report, including but not limited to, resource consumption, throughput, latency, average latency, queue depth/backlogs, etc.
All of these indicators MUST be available through an administrative API.
Ideally, all Building Blocks should be able to run a “monitoring agent” which handles reporting out logs, requests, Building Block-specific indicators, etc. to a monitoring service (e.g. Datadog)
The local monitoring agent should be configurable via web interface.
Retries and back-off strategies must be configurable.
Specific “Scaling/Throughput” requirements are in the functional requirements section.
The following standards are applicable to data structures in the Information Mediator Building Block:
This section links to any external documents that may be relevant, such as standards documents or other descriptions of this Building Block that may be useful.
A historical log of key decisions regarding this Building Block.
A list of topics that may be relevant to future versions of this Building Block.
The version history table describes the major changes to the specifications between published versions.
Aleksander Reitsakas, Taylor Downs, Dr. P. S. Ramkumar
Initial revision
Aleksander Reitsakas
Technical Reviewers: Tony Shannon, Saša Kovačević, Riham Moawad, Riham Fahmi, Aare Laponin, Manish Srivastava, Palab Saha, Surendra Singh Sucharia, Arvind Gupta, Gayatri. P., Shivank Singh Chauhan, Gavin Lyons
External links updated
1.0 RC1
Aleksander Reitsakas, Taylor Downs, Dr. P. S. Ramkumar, Aleksa Krolls Reviewers: Neil Roy, Aare Lapõnin, Fergal Marrinan, Surendrasingh Sucharia, Amy Darling
Applied feedback from technical review, addressed formatting issues
Wesley Brown, Steve Conrad, Valeria Tafoya
Final edits to align content to specification template for GovStack 1.0 release
This section lists the technical capabilities of this Building Block.
The functional requirements section lists the technical capabilities that this Building Block should have. These requirements should be sufficient to deliver all functionality that is listed in the Key Digital Functionalities section. The Information Mediator is used only for interaction between Applications/Building Blocks for the transfer of data at an API level only. Details in the Architecture and Nonfunctional Requirements document.
These functional requirements do not define specific APIs, they provide a list of information about functionality that must be implemented within the Building Block. Detailed design and feature lists of these blocks can be customized by developers to optimally match specific target implementation needs.
There should be different types of administrative roles that provide different levels of access (RECOMMENDED)
There should be administrative roles on different levels of the ecosystem (RECOMMENDED):
global administrator role of the whole ecosystem,
local administrator role of Member,
an administrative role for configuring an Application.
There should be an ecosystem-level administrative interface that allows an Information Mediator administrator (with appropriate authentication) to register/deregister members and applications (RECOMMENDED)
There should be a security-server-level interface that allows an administrator for a single security server to manage members, applications, and services that live under a single security server (RECOMMENDED)
Open IAM (or another Identity and Access Management Solution) must be able to create/edit/delete admin users for the Information Mediator interface. Security Building Block specification 1.0.1 section 6-1 (REQUIRED)
Registering a member/organization requires:
That the new member provides details for registration.
That the administrator verifies and accepts the request for registration.
Registering an application requires:
That the new member provides details for registration.
That the administrator verifies and accepts the request for registration.
Registering a service requires (in terms of API endpoints):
That the owner of the application provides:
OpenAPI 3.0 specification document (i.e., includes base paths like “/api/patients”, “/api/visits”, etc.).
List of enabled endpoints of OpenAPI specifications (the requirement is that we can enable/disable endpoints).
Managing a list of allowed consumers for services requires:
Application developers may access the directory service (described below) to select the services that they want to consume (OPTIONAL)
The request/approval/addition of allowed consumers process is a business-first process with manual steps (The hard part is negotiating data sharing agreements and signing contracts when that is completed the Information Mediator administrator can easily modify the allowed consumers' list manually)
An application must specify which member/application/service they want to access
The provider of that service must decide if the consumer is allowed to
Once approved, the requesting application will be added to the list of allowed applications for the requested service
To make a request to another service via the Information Mediator, an application must(REQUIRED):
Using REST, make a valid HTTPS request to the local Information Mediator security server with headers that identifies itself at the application level.
The components of the request must be (with color code):
Security server URL;
API version;
Instance (e.g., Country);
Domain of member;
Member (e.g., Ministry of X);
Service (OpenAPI file);
Query parameters.
Example Only Sample GET Request: url-of-local-information-mediator-security-server/r1/INDIA/GOV/ministry-of-agriculture-karnataka/market-linkages-app/inventory-service/v1/check-level/apples?fresh=true Response: { data: 7 } Sample POST Request: url-of-local-information-mediator-security-server/r1/INDIA/PVT/tata-buyers-corp-karnataka/small-farmer-buyers-app/inventory-service/v1/supply/apples With body: {“qtyAvailable”: 4} Response: { result: “Stock level report created.” } How to interpret the above request paths: SECURITY-SERVER-URL/r1/INSTANCE/DOMAIN/MEMBER/APPLICATION/SERVICE/PATH
Note that all applications are making requests to the security server, which runs over the private network segment, rather than making requests to other applications directly over the public internet. (This is one of the main points of the security server and Information Mediator architecture.)
At development time, to see which resources are available on GovStack, the administrator/developer of application A may send requests to the security server to see(OPTIONAL):
organizations with descriptions;
services (either all services, or services that the requester is authorized to access);
an OpenAPI specification, detailing the endpoints and requirements for the service/API.
A view layer allowing for easy exploration of ALL clients, applications, and services should be provided. (Note that, “under the hood”, this layer may make use of the APIs described above or be implemented via a separate API.)(RECOMMENDED)
The Pub/Sub layer must provide a mechanism for registering Rooms (REQUIRED)
The Pub/Sub layer must provide a mechanism for registering event types (REQUIRED)
For each event type, an OpenAPI description of a service with JSON schema for the required payload shape must be defined to create an event of the type (REQUIRED)
An interface for registering and viewing event types must be provided (REQUIRED)
An application must be able to make a POST request with a valid JSON payload as the body and specify the message type to a Room provided by the Pub/Sub layer service (REQUIRED)
Published messages should be delivered to all subscribers (RECOMMENDED)
Published messages should be stored so that delivery may be done and retried asynchronously, e.g. if certain Subscribers are offline (RECOMMENDED)
Subscribers should be able to configure their retry strategies, overriding the default exponential backoff on retriable errors (Google Pub/Sub example)
If an active subscription exists but an error is received when forwarding a message to that service, the Pub/Sub layer should retry N times with a standard backoff. (An exponential backoff may be the default approach.) (RECOMMENDED)
The backoff and retry strategy should be configurable by an administrator with access to the Pub/Sub layer application
If a message cannot be delivered the Pub/Sub layer should drop that message (RECOMMENDED)
The Pub/Sub layer should provide an admin user interface to help create/manage subscriptions with the data below (RECOMMENDED)
The Pub/Sub layer should allow an administrator to view a list of active subscriptions (RECOMMENDED)
For registration via API, an application must be able to make a POST request to a service exposed by the Pub/Sub layer which defines which endpoints certain event types should be sent to (REQUIRED)
All events received and delivered must have a unique ID (REQUIRED)
All events received by the Pub/Sub layer must be logged or added to a log sync and those log entries must contain event metadata including the sender, timestamp, and event type, but may not include the event payload (REQUIRED)
All event delivery attempts must be logged or added to a log sync (REQUIRED)
For every event message received, the Information Mediator sends back an acknowledgment with the ID of the event to the respective Publisher (REQUIRED)
There must be a possibility to search and view the status of messages, for example, a message with type X to seven subscribers had been successfully delivered to all seven (REQUIRED)
The Information Mediator Building Block maintains a message log (REQUIRED)
The purpose of the message log is to provide means to prove the reception of a regular request or response message to a third party. Messages exchanged between Information Mediator Building Block are signed and encrypted. For every regular request and response, the security server produces a completely signed, and timestamped document. At a minimum, the log must store metadata that identifies a specific message, the status of transaction carried out on that message by Information Mediator Building Block, along with source ID and date time stamp.
The Information Mediator Building Block has full audit trail capabilities (REQUIRED)
The Information Mediator Building Block keeps an audit log. The audit log events are generated by the user interface when the administrator changes the system's state or configuration. The administrator's actions are logged regardless of whether the outcome was a success or a failure. The system must be capable of emitting statistical reports for a given organization, application, service, or consumer and status.
Operational monitoring (REQUIRED)
Operational monitoring provides details about the requested exchange, such as the ID-s of the client and the service, various attributes of the message read from the message header, request and response timestamps, sizes, etc., but not the actual payload of messages.
The operational monitoring daemon collects and shares operational monitoring data of the Information Mediator Building Block as part of request exchange, shares this data, and calculates and shares health statistics (the timestamps and the number of successful/unsuccessful requests, various metrics of the duration and message size of the requests, etc.).
The operational monitoring daemon makes operational and health data available to the owner of the security server, regular clients, and the central monitoring client via the security server. (For example, local health data may be made available for external monitoring systems.)
The owner of the security server and the central monitoring client are able to query the records of all clients. For a regular client, only the records associated with that client are available.
Environmental monitoring (REQUIRED)
Environmental monitoring provides details of the security servers such as operating system, memory, disk space, CPU load, traffic load, running processes, installed packages, etc. in a chosen date range.
Environmental monitoring provides a standard endpoint that can be accessed with a client (e.g. Java's console application if using Java Management Extensions).
It is possible to limit what allowed non-owners can request via environmental monitoring data requests. The security server owner will always get the full data set as requested.
The Information Mediator Building Block should support provider-side high availability setup if needed (RECOMMENDED)
Busy production systems may need a scalable performance in addition to high availability. The Information Mediator Building Block supports external load balancing mechanisms to address both of these problems simultaneously. A load balancer is added in front of a security server cluster to route the requests based on a selected algorithm (OPTIONAL)
The team in charge of deploying the security server application on their hardware must consider the network infrastructure including a load balancer, etc. The requirements for network infrastructure must be handled/defined in a (yet to exist) “Network Building Block”(REQUIRED)
This section provides context for this Building Block.
The Information Mediator Building Blocking provides a gateway for exchange of data and services among GovStack Building Blocks through open-API rest-based interfaces to ensure interoperability and implementation of standards. The Information Mediator provides mechanisms for applications/Building Blocks to publish and consume services and event notifications among other GovStack Building Blocks.
Information Mediator services act as a channel through which Building Blocks and external applications can connect to services exposed by other Building Blocks such as registry services, identity services, and payment services. The Information Mediator Building Blocking provides a second service, as a broadcasting channel for notification of events among the connected applications in a Publisher-Subscriber (Pub/Sub) model. And also maintains a log of transactions (e.g., requests, events), as well as handling communication errors between Building Blocks and/or other applications via the Pub/Sub service. This component may employ other core components, such as registries, repositories, etc. By allowing different applications to exchange information, it can act as a mechanism to encourage or enforce best practices, data standards around Pub/Sub, and data-sharing policies in cross-facility workflows among business processes.
It is strongly recommended that a Building Block uses an Information Mediator for any communications across the internet. An Information Mediator is not required for communication between Building Blocks which are co-located.
The Information Mediator, through the “Service Access Layer” and the “Pub/Sub Layer” enables all use cases that make use of HTTP requests and the OpenAPI specification. For this exercise, we have tested against the use cases within the “Postpartum and Infant Care” and “Unconditional Social Cash Transfer” user journeys.
This section provides a reference for APIs that should be implemented by this Building Block.
The GovStack non-functional requirements document provides additional information on how 'adaptors' may be used to translate an existing API to the patterns described here. This section also provides guidance on how candidate products are tested and how GovStack validates a product's API against the API specifications defined here.
The tests for the Information Mediator Building Block can be found in this GitHub repository.
The majority of functions provided by the Information Mediator Building Block are either defined in the “service access flow” or configured by the administrator via the web User Interface. There is, however, a “Directory Service” which can provide listings of clients, methods, and available API specifications for services on the Information Mediator. The directory is managed by admins of members. The directory service centralizes and offers knowledge of all enrolled members and their services along with the information necessary to bind a third-party application as a consumer of that service. These services are described here:
and changes to the API definitions can be made by submitting a pull request on this repository. Additional APIs may be implemented by the Building Block, but the listed APIs define a minimal set of functionality that should be provided by any implementation of this Building Block.
The services can be accessed via the following Service APIs:
The full API definition of all available services is the set of all available OpenAPI descriptions.
One can take any of the available OpenAPI descriptions and call service according to that description.
This call must be forwarded to IM local Security Server and path part of the called URL must begin with the address of service in the form /r1/{instanceId}/{memberClass}/{member}/{application}/{service}/
followed by the service path with possible query parameters. The address of the service may be already listed in the OpenAPI description or must be added to the path if not provided by OpenAPI.
At development time, to see which organizations are available on GovStack, an administrator of application A sends a GET request to the security server: url-of-local-information-mediator-security-server/r1/listClients
The response is an array of organizations with descriptions. API MAY implement paging of output.
At development time, an administrator at application A sends a GET request to the security server: url-of-local-information-mediator-security-server/r1/INDIA/GOV/MEMBER/APPLICATION/{listMethods || allowedMethods}
The response is an array of services (either all services or services that the requester is authorized to access via “allowedMethods”). API MAY implement paging of output.
At development time, to learn about an available service, an administrator at application A sends a GET request to the security server: url-of-local-information-mediator-security-server/r1/INDIA/GOV/MEMBER/APPLICATION/getOpenApi?serviceCode=SERVICE
The response is an OpenAPI specification, detailing the endpoints and requirements for that service/API of the requested Service of Application.
To broadcast a message to a Room, the service access API must be followed and the service requested must be the service implementing event type.
To get info from system log, an administrator may send a request to the logging API.
At the debugging time, to learn about system performance or retrieve an audit log, an administrator may send a request to the reporting API.
The response is <audit trail>, <metrics>, etc.
This section provides a detailed view of how this Building Block will interact with other Building Blocks to support common use cases.
A workflow provides a detailed view of how the Information Mediator Building Block will interact with other building blocks to support common use cases. This section lists workflows that this building block must support. Other workflows may be implemented in addition to those listed.
Example Sequence diagram for accessing service
The results of steps marked with '*' can be cached and reused between calls. In this diagram:
Requestor makes a request to the local Information Mediator security server.
Local Infirmation Mediator security server finds in the configuration where to send request.
The Information Mediator signs & sends the request from application A to the security server for application B.
The security server for application B receives the request, validates the signature, and then forwards it to the application/service/endpoint.
The application/service/endpoint responds to request.
The security server for application B signs the response and sends it back to the security server for application A.
The security server for the application A validates the signature and forwards the response to application A.
This is all synchronous. Application A’s request is open/unresponded until step 6.
Room for Pub/Sub must be created before events can be described and processed. Room is created by its owner organization (Member), the organization responsible for the operation of events of a certain type.
Creation request should be confirmed by GovStack administrator.
Event type corresponds to a service description of a service accepting events for publishing and must be registered before usage. A single room might host multiple event types.
E.g. in India, "The Ministry Of Home Affairs" can be the "Owner" of a Room where events of type "emergency" are published by "citizens" or "entities" and entities such as "ambulance services", "Fire-fighting services", Hospitals, etc., can be Subscribers to this Room. In this scenario, an event of type "Fire emergency" can be published by any citizen enrolled in this Room. The Ministry can choose to have one "emergency" Room in each town and enroll Subscribers relevant to respective regions.
The Subscriber requests that events of certain types be delivered to them.
The Subscriber specifies the desired delivery mode (push/pull). The Room and Subscriber conclude the delivery contract. Note that:
push delivery mode is when the Room sends events to the Subscriber’s API. In this case, Subscriber may request some QoS/SLA parameters of delivery.
pull delivery mode (OPTIONAL) means that the Room keeps a queue of events and the Subscriber can check that queue.
At a minimum, this Building Block MUST provide for a push delivery mode. It may also provide a pull mode based on convenience.
Three endpoints to be declared per event type Pub/Sub instance:
an endpoint URL to be registered by every Subscriber on a per-event type basis.
(OPTIONAL) an endpoint URL on the Pub/Sub where all pull requests come from various Subscribers.
an endpoint in the Room to send messages for publication.
The Publisher and the Room have a data access contract to establish trust for accessing information.
This is akin to the standard trust contract in the Information Mediator, the consumer must have rights to access a certain API.
Publishers have to sign a contract with the Room owner’s consent to gain access to specific Rooms and events. In the contract, Publishers declare what type of message will be published in a given Room.
The Publisher generates an event:
The Publisher makes a POST call to the Room service of a particular event type.
The Room stores the event and replies with the event id. Event id is generated by Room or is taken from the original event dataset if provided by the publisher.
The Room can implement a first in, first out (FIFO) event distribution policy. If the Room provides FIFO guarantees, the Room may:
(a) assign a key to the event. If a key attribute is defined in the schema of the event, the value of that attribute will be used. Otherwise, the Room can assign a key at its own discretion.
(b) assign a sequence number to the event. The sequence number must be monotonically increasing for events that share the same key.
The Room sends an immediate acknowledgment to the Publisher.
The Room distributes an event asynchronously as follows:
A reference to publisher and event id is added to the event dataset.
For each Subscriber:
(alt) If the mode is ‘push’, make a POST call to Subscriber GovStack service of the event type;
(alt) If the mode is ‘pull’, enqueue an event for request from the Subscriber;
There is a queue of events waiting to be processed per the Subscriber, such that the Subscriber might periodically check to see events waiting in their own queue, process those events, and clear the queue.
A pull mechanism is essential for resilience to network dropouts and traffic load balance at servers and for differentiating urgent/emergency events from normal events (this can be decided during implementation).
(OPTIONAL - if mode is PULL) At some moment of time, the Subscriber pulls an event:
The Subscriber makes a GET call to the Room service of the particular event type.
The Subscriber acknowledges receiving of event.
(OPTIONAL) The Subscriber requests event details. Some event details may have more restricted regulations for handling and may be not included in event type. In this case, the Subscriber requests these details directly from the publisher by making a GET call to the referenced Publisher with event id as a parameter.
This call implies the existence of an associated contract between the Subscriber and the Publisher.
The Information Mediator Building Block creates a log of all messages published and distributed.
If an event payload is very large, then it is recommended to just publish the "event" and let Subscribers get full details directly from the Publishers as needed. It will simplify event payloads, and reduce Turnaround time (TAT), storage, and bandwidth significantly.
For example, “Clinic System A” wishes to broadcast data about a new birth so that it can be used to trigger asynchronous actions in several other systems. A Service is configured in Clinic System A that makes an HTTP POST request corresponding to the type of event and some valid JSON in the body to the Pub/Sub provider. The provider maintains a list of active “Subscribers” for that event type. Without manipulating the body, that message is effectively forwarded to each subscriber, so that REST services in the “Demographics Tracker”, “Insurance Registry”, and “Early Childhood Education” applications can consume that data and do things based on it.
It should be noted that the shape of the payload will be agreed upon beforehand so that the responsibility of being able to “ingest” a “newBirth” payload from Pub/Sub will fall on the REST service provider. Once an event is ingested, the responsibility to deliver the payload lies with the Information Mediator “room” based on the importance given to the event by a Subscriber. Thus, during registration of the Subscriber, parameters such as max queue depth, retries, failsafe mechanisms, and error handling have to be configured by each Subscriber as they subscribe to an event type.
This section provides information on the core data structures/data models that are used by this Building Block.
The resource model shows the relationship between data objects that are used by the Information Mediator Building Block. The data elements provide detail for the resource model. All data element schemas can be viewed, commented on, and modified in the .
The Mediator Building Block key element is Service. The Service is used by a consuming Building Block or an application and offered by a provider Building Block or Application. Both Provider and Consumer must be Members of the Mediator Building Block. Members of the Information Mediator Building Block can be an organization (governmental or not, business or not) or a person (citizen as a rule).
To become a Member of Mediator Building Block participants must fulfill declared requirements and apply for onboarding. In the process of onboarding a Member is registered with Mediator Building Block and gets credentials to connect to Mediator Building Block. Normally it is done the way that a Member provides a certificate of recognized Certification Authority (CA), and requests signed with this certificate are considered legitimate requests of the Member. A member entity can access the Pub/Sub configuration and register a room to publish its own event type as a publisher through its own admin.
Members can browse a directory of Services available in the Mediator Building Block. Each service is described in OpenAPI.
The Resource Model is an extension of the Access Layer model:
An event is a message—a set of data sent to a topic. Each event has an id. The event corresponds to the message. Data elements of an event are described by event type OpenAPI description.
An event type is schema definition for an event. Each event type is owned by a Room of a certain authority. (E.g. the Ministry of Health might own Room with the “new_birth” event type and define its schema.)
A candidate application playing the role of IM-Publisher must be able to emit events to a specific Room.
(N.B., this is often called a "topic" and we may shift to that in later versions.)
A candidate application playing the role of IM-Room must handle the distribution of events. Each Room has a set of connected event types (e.g., the “birth” room might contain three event types: “new_birth”, “birth_complication”, and “infant_death”). A room is located in the member’s local Information Mediator Building Block implementation and the member is responsible for all types of events in that particular room.
A candidate application playing the role of IM-Subscriber must be able to process events. It is done by defining a Service that will be called by Room to deliver an event. Subscribers are independent of each other and their business logic differs (as a rule). Each subscriber processes events from their own perspective.
Schema reference
Schema reference
Schema reference
namespace for member_code, e.g. GOV or COM
unique id of member in registry defined by member_class
name of key used to sign on behalf of Member
certificate of member issued by trusted CA
unique name of application in member scope
protocol used for connection: http or https
TLS certificate
unique name of OpenAPI in scope of application
location of OpenAPI service description
service provisioning network address
description of access rights
application id of this publisher
application id of this room
application id of this subscriber
subscription id
room id
subscriber id
A filter expression that allows a subscriber to subscribe to only certain message_types that are published to the room they're subscribed to.
delivery mode
details of delivery, like time to live, repetition policy, etc.
This metaservice is designed to retrieve service descriptions for
REST services.
It provides the OpenAPI service description for a specific REST service.
To use this service, the query parameters should include serviceCode=xxx
where xxx
corresponds to the service code of the particular REST service
for which you desire to obtain the service description.
OpenAPI description of the specified REST service
This function provides a list of REST services and service endpoints offered by a service provider that the caller has permission to invoke.
List of allowed REST services and endpoints for a service provider
Clients of the security server have the capability to obtain a list
of potential service providers within a GovStack instance, including
both members and applications.
To do so, they should initiate an HTTP GET request to the security
The specific request URL will be either http://SECURITYSERVER/listClients
or https://SECURITYSERVER/listClients
, depending on whether HTTPS
protocol usage is enabled for interaction.
When submitting this request, the placeholder SECURITYSERVER
must be
replased with the actual address of the security server. One can also
retrieve a list of clients from other federated GovStack instances
by adding an additional HTTP parameter:
- a code of the instance.
For instance, if you wish to fetch the list of clients associated with the
instance labeled as ABC
, your request URL should take the form of
List of Clients of GovStack
This function provides a list of all REST services and service endpoints offered by a service provider.
List of REST services and endpoints for a service provider
Subscription deleted
Acknowledge receiving of event from the room {applicationCode}
event id
Event acknowledged
Stop processing of the event. Event is located in the room {applicationId}
event id of event
Event processing stopped
Delete event type in the room {applicationId}
Event type deleted
Return list of event types located in the room {applicationCode}
Event type list
Return event type description. Event type is located in the room {applicationCode}
Event type details
Create new event type in the room {applicationCode}
Event type created
Publish event in the room {applicationCode}
Event accepted for publishing. Returning event id
Return details of subscription to {eventType} in the room {applicationCode}
Subscription details
Return list of my subscriptions in the room {applicationCode}
List of my subscriptions
Subscribe caller to {eventType} in the room {applicationCode}
Subscription item to add
Subscription created
Update details of subscription to {eventType} in the room {applicationCode}
New details of subscription
Subscription details
Return event status info. Event is located in the room {applicationCode}
event id of event
Event status
Return next unacknowledged event of type defined by {eventType} and located in the room {applicationCode}
event type
Is IM configured. up and running?
IM is OK
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {memberClass} namespace
Name of application
Name of service/API
Applications that are allowed or denied access
Member or member group identifier to whom access is granted
Member or member group identifier to whom access is granted
Application of the member that to whom access is granted
Filter by member class
Filter by member code
Filter by application ID
Filter by service ID
Number of access rights returned on one page
Handle for the next page, if the result spans multiple pages. If not specified, there are no more results.
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {memberClass} namespace
Name of application
Name of service/API
Applications that are allowed or denied access
Member or member group identifier to whom access is granted
Member or member group identifier to whom access is granted
Application of the member that to whom access is granted
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {memberClass} namespace
Name of application
Name of service/API
Applications that are allowed or denied access
Member or member group identifier to whom access is granted
Member or member group identifier to whom access is granted
Application of the member that to whom access is granted
Configuration description of IM is returned in form of file
List of IM configuration
Subdomain for GovStack instance to run in
Name of GovStack instance
List of Member organisations
Organisation (Member) name
"Ministry of Interior"
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {class} namespace
List of applications of Member organisation
Name of application
Connection protocol of application
List of services
Name of service/API
Location of OpenAPI spec file
Location of service endpoints
List of allowed consumers/clients
Name of Member
Name of application
Update IM configuration. Not described parts are not changed
configuration description file
Subdomain for GovStack instance to run in
Name of GovStack instance
List of Member organisations
Organisation (Member) name
"Ministry of Interior"
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {class} namespace
List of applications of Member organisation
Name of application
Connection protocol of application
List of services
Name of service/API
Location of OpenAPI spec file
Location of service endpoints
List of allowed consumers/clients
Name of Member
Name of application
IM starts configuration update
Replace IM configuration. Not described parts are deleted
configuration description file
Subdomain for GovStack instance to run in
Name of GovStack instance
List of Member organisations
Organisation (Member) name
"Ministry of Interior"
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {class} namespace
List of applications of Member organisation
Name of application
Connection protocol of application
List of services
Name of service/API
Location of OpenAPI spec file
Location of service endpoints
List of allowed consumers/clients
Name of Member
Name of application
IM starts configuration creation
Create new instance of IM
Creates Central Servers if init=true
configuration description file
Subdomain for GovStack instance to run in
Name of GovStack instance
List of Member organisations
Organisation (Member) name
"Ministry of Interior"
Kind of organisation. Namespace for organisation {code}
Registration number (or identifier) of the organisation in {class} namespace
List of applications of Member organisation
Name of application
Connection protocol of application
List of services
Name of service/API
Location of OpenAPI spec file
Location of service endpoints
List of allowed consumers/clients
Name of Member
Name of application
IM starts configuration creation